is a fictional trailer, created with my master class team at university. It takes you into the world of Xonbot, a small robot who travels from his dystopian Cyber Punk planet to a different one in a Steam Punk style where he meets William, a mechanical robot knight, and they have to fight to the bitter end.

As the art director of this project, my main tasks included the animatic creation, character modelling and texturing, lighting of two Cyber Punk scenes, their environment animation and texturing.


A cyberpunk planet is on the verge of an energy collapse because its inhabitants have used up all their natural resources and are now faced with the dystopian truth that their society will no longer be able to exist unless they find a new energy source very soon. For this reason, a humanoid robot called Xonbot is created and sent to a steampunk planet in search of an alternative energy source. The steampunk planet possesses the so-called "Cube of Power" - an energy cube so powerful that it can supply an entire society with energy for decades.

But Xonbot is faced with a moral dilemma that forces him to choose between loyalty to his own planet and his conscience. Should he destroy an entire planet and deprive it of its only source of energy? Or will he abandon his own home planet to save this unknown world? Due to the trailer's concept, the ending remains open and leaves room for the viewer's interpretation.

concept phase

Together as a team we got stuck on a cyberpunk and on a steampunk look for our project, so we decided to include both looks and combined them in a moral driven dilemma concept for an animated movie. As an entire short movie would have been too big in the three months we were given, we decided upon a movie trailer. The story was created in several team brainstorm sessions.


These are the main models for the trailer. They were modelled in Maya and ZBrush and textured in Substance Painter.

Scene two with barely any lighting

Alternative lighting concept

WIP of the final lighting setup

Final lighting

Stickers designed for the University internal exhibition.

A look behind the scenes

video © Jonas Hofbauer


concept & story

Guillaume Freysmuth
Sarah Golden
Hanna Kuppelwieser
Katharina Poscher
Thomas Rath
Livia Ringl
Kristina Schmiedl

storyboard & concept art

Michelle Palatin

art & animation

Guillaume Freysmuth
Sarah Golden
Hanna Kuppelwieser
Katharina Poscher
Thomas Rath
Livia Ringl
Kristina Schmiedl


Paul Deitch

sound design

Julian Geitzenauer